"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.
Weekly Quote
"The Gospel is a woman's first and most important discipline, for it is the source of godliness."
~ Barbara Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Woman
~ Barbara Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Woman
Weekly Memory Verse
"According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness,
through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.." 2 Peter 1:3
through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.." 2 Peter 1:3
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Mid Spring Pics!
Do you remember that picture I showed you, of my peonies starting to pop up out of the ground?! Well, just look at them now!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
eBook Giveway!
I read this today, and just had to share! Click HERE to read about it and if you want, enter the giveaway yourself. I love the book so much, I will probably buy it as soon as I can even if I don't win the giveaway. I love my children so much, and give my all everyday to raise them the best I can, and to train them according to God's principals. One of the most important things to do for them, is to pray for them! I have to admit that I am NOT completely faithful in this area. I don't pray for them nearly as often and as deeply and sincerely as I should. This book brings new compassion and new ideas for how to pray for your children, and I can't wait to read the whole thing! I pray I will be able to do a better job at praying for my sons, and my daughters....it's so important that I do!

Move It Monday
Hello! It's good to know some of you are still stopping by, in the midst of my completely sporadic posting! ;) It's amazing how a move across the country can change so many things. I find myself different physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually from this journey. Some good, some not so good. It's been almost 6 months, and I still don't feel completely settled in to our new home and environment. Maybe one day..
Well, despite how awful I feel today physically, I am still hoping to get a few things done. At least two loads of laundry, some more organization in the laundry room, and vacuum the floor in there too. Tomorrow, I'd like to get my desk, and the kid's school desk cleared off and organized better too. I have a lot of organization plans for July. It looks like that will be our only month off of school this year. It took us while to catch up from the 2 1/2 months we took off for the move. We see the finish line though, and it's exciting! Have a great week!!!
Well, despite how awful I feel today physically, I am still hoping to get a few things done. At least two loads of laundry, some more organization in the laundry room, and vacuum the floor in there too. Tomorrow, I'd like to get my desk, and the kid's school desk cleared off and organized better too. I have a lot of organization plans for July. It looks like that will be our only month off of school this year. It took us while to catch up from the 2 1/2 months we took off for the move. We see the finish line though, and it's exciting! Have a great week!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!!
To all you precious mothers out there, thank you for your countless daily sacrifices and endless unconditional love for your children! The hand that rocks the cradle, truly rules the world! One diaper at a time, one dish, one meal, one load of laundry, one bedtime story, one ponytail, one shoelace, and one heart to heart talk at a time; you are changing the lives of your little blessings forever! You are molding them into beautiful hearts and creative minds that will change our world, and hopefully, have children of their own one day! Their is no greater gift given by God, and their isn't a more important job in this world, than being a mother!

Dear Lord, it's such a hectic day
With little time to stop and pray
For life's been anything but calm
Since You called on me to be a mom
Running errands, matching socks
Building dreams with building blocks
Cooking, cleaning, and finding shoes
And other stuff that children lose
Fitting lids on bottled bugs
Wiping tears and giving hugs
A stack of last weeks mail to read
So where's the quiet time I need?
Yet when I steal a minute, Lord
Just at the sink or ironing board
To ask the blessings of Your grace
I see then, in my small one's face
That you have blessed me
All the while
And I stop to kiss
That precious smile!
Thank you God, for giving me the blessing of being a mother!! :)
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!
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