Well, now it's Monday again, and I have much work to do. About a month ago, we decided to switch our off days to Mondays, instead of Fridays. There is just so much to do on Mondays, that it makes it hard to get any school work done, and I don't like homeschooling in a bind. It makes for frustrated students, and a frustrated teacher...not a good learning atmosphere at all!! So, this has been working out well.
I have a whole house to clean today. Saturday's are usually spent doing big family projects, or going somewhere as a family, or something of that nature, and Sunday's are our church and extended family days. So, needless to day, nothing gets cleaned on the weekend, but plenty gets messed up! lol! So, Monday is the fix it all up day, and I also spend an hour or more in the afternoon, getting things lined up for the next 4 days of school. Since I posted last, we have taught our oldest child how to do laundry, so he has taken that over, and that's one less burden I have. So wonderful! Today I need to...
*Wash Dishes
*Sweep and Mop Kitchen Floor
*Clean Counters
*Sweep Living Room Floor
*Organize Desks
*Make Meal Plan for the Week
*Make Copies for History
*Fill out School Planners
*Sweep and Mop Kitchen Floor
*Clean Counters
*Sweep Living Room Floor
*Organize Desks
*Make Meal Plan for the Week
*Make Copies for History
*Fill out School Planners
Our temps have dropped dramatically finally, after an amazing fall!! We even still have some high 60's and low 70's in the 10 day forecast still. Nevertheless, we had our last house painting day this past Saturday. I can't wait to show you before and after pictures of the house!! It's absolutely amazing! We got pretty much finished, although we may wind up washing the house in the spring, and touching up anything that just didn't get enough coats on it. I pray you all have a wonderful and productive week!!