It is NOT our job to be the Holy Spirit in anyone's lives. Believe me, it isn't a job that any of us really want anyway. It may seem great, but we all fall so incredibly short from being qualified to do that job, and God will hold us accountable for trying! Only God knows His ways and His specific will for His people. We know the general; that God wills for us all to be saved, grow in sanctification, become more Christ like, be a vessel to further the Kingdom and live a life pleasing to God. However, only God knows the how, why, when, where and what of the way that looks in each individual. Unless something is stated clearly and undebateably in scripture, we have no right to chastise anyone for anything, and declare our supreme knowledge over their failure or ignorance. It breaks my heart how much we hurt one another in the name of what? In the name of a God who doesn't NEED us to do anything that HE wills? Do we really think God wants or needs us to hurt a fellow brother or sister in Christ in order to make His ways known to them? Oh, fellow Christians, no. No, He definitely does not desire that. I can say that, because that is clearly and undeniably in scripture. Though shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. You must remove the plank from your own eye before you can remove the splinter in your brothers. There are many, many more.
I believe we can say what we believe, as we are all commanded to be ready to give account for what we believe. It is not our job though, to criticize our fellow believers for their beliefs. I truly believe that one Christian can celebrate Halloween and be just as much in God's will as another Christian who doesn't. I believe a sister wearing a skirt can be just as much in God's will as one that is wearing pants. Being in God's will is not following a set of rules or laws. God already said we can't follow the law, and that's why He sent His Son to pay the wages for our sins. What God HAS asked us to do, is walk in the Spirit. Follow His leading. We don't know what the Holy Spirit has asked our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to do, so we can't point a finger of accusation and self-righteousness. Worry about what God has asked you to do, and not what others are doing. Even when you feel someone is living in sin, extend grace to others.... remembering the grace that God continually extends to us in our daily disobedience.
Just imagine how strong we would stand, and how effective we would be at evangelizing, if we closed the divide, and only stood on what was truly essential to salvation! True believers across the globe would be a force to be reckoned with!