I still homeschool my younger 3, but we put my oldest into public school this past semester. He will be in 8th grade in the fall....hard to believe! He turns 13 in a couple weeks, and will be spending the summer at a Ranch with my parents. SO excited for him! The biggest blessing of the past year, just came a couple months ago. We FINALLY got to move out of that old, worn out rental house, and now live in a beautiful house in the country! I'll have to show you some photos!
God has richly tried us and blessed us this past year! I've gained a lot of weight back, going through those trials, but not all of it. I am more Christ like though, and thankful for that! :) What I am trying to do with my body never comes before what God is trying to do in my heart!
I'm still making jewelry, but not to sell, and just in my spare (which is VERY spare) time. I make it for myself now, and to give as gifts. I can't say I won't ever do more craft shows though, because those were SO fun, and granted me more money to buy more beads! ;)
I miss you all very much, and hope that I am coming into a new season of life where I can keep in touch better! Bye for now...(((hugs)))