So, apparently I've been away for a while! lol For some reason, I just had the desire to blog today. Perhaps it's because I'm sick of the drama and the dirty laundry all over facebook. The jealousy, the bitterness, the resentment, the anger, the spewing of words for the whole world to see because someone's in a moment of unhappiness....sheesh...I'm depressed already! I love facebook, and there are so many wonderful things about it, but I guess I just wanted a safe, calm, soothing place to express myself today. So, I've been absent from the blog world for so long, that the host doesn't do Thankful Thursday's anymore. Surely there is another link up somewhere for it, but for today, I'm just going to be thankful on my own...perhaps you might join me??
Today, I am deeply thankful for God's longsuffering..His patience..His willingness to put up with me in all my failures. They say the definition of insanity is making the same decisions an choices over and over again expecting different results. That's me! I wouldn't even say I expect different results. Perhaps I hope for, or wish there were going to be different results. Sometimes I'm not even thinking far enough ahead to the results stage...just the "what makes me happy now stage." :( Yet God, in all His goodness, doesn't leave me in this continuing state of insanity. He looks beyond my sin, beyond my self-destructive habits and choices, and shows me not just mercy, but also grace. He lovingly teaches me new things. Sometimes through trials, and sometimes through just delightful revelation of His Word. He keeps growing me, and molding me to be more like Him. I'm so thankful for that.
My prayer for today, is that I will grow to be less and less stubborn and resistant to His "pruning of my branches" and that I will resist the lies of the Enemy, which work against the glory of the Lord and His purposes. Praying for you too...

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