Weekly Quote
~ Barbara Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Woman
Weekly Memory Verse
through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.." 2 Peter 1:3
Monday, May 31, 2010
Move It Monday
Memorial Day-What does it mean to us?
What does Memorial Day mean to you? Is is just another day to you? Do you look forward to it, because you get that day off of work? I asked myself this same question this morning and I have to say, that my heart wasn't in the right place...until I prayed and watched this video. I have family overseas fighting for my freedom, and I have to admit that in my day to day routine, sometimes I forget to pray for them and forget what they are facing every day....so that I can have the same day to day routine and the freedom to keep it. Millions of lives are affected every day in this current war, and many of us have "moved on" already. Just because it's not a quick war and there seems to be no end, doesn't mean that we need to forget and not support our soldiers and families who don't have the option to forget that we are at war.
When I think back on all the people who have given their lives for this country and it's freedom, I cry, I cry. It just breaks my heart. I'm so focused on all the bad going on in our country and how hopeless I feel to stop it. Our nation as a whole, has completely lost our heritage, forsaken God and have turned away from him, and toward their own "me, me, me" way of living. It makes me upset to think about where our country is and where it is headed. But many have given their lives for this Land of the Beautiful that they loved so much. Many are and will be giving their lives for it, and I must keep the love for this land in my heart and keep the fire burning. I must stay on my knees in constant prayer for God to have mercy upon us and heal our broken, but still free land. I must pray for our soldiers who's love is greater than mine, and are risking their lives, and the happiness of their families to protect me and mine. I hope you will join me! I hope this video sparks that fire inside of you, like it did for me.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Weight Loss Wednesday~Wait For It...

That's right! I finally reached my first goal of 10 pounds lost! I'm so happy! I lost 5 pounds this week! I had lost 8, but then gained back 3. So instead of losing 13 pounds, I'm only counting ten. I'm not going to count weight I had to lose twice. Maybe now, even when injured or busy, I will try harder not to gain any back! Anyhow, I am pleased and am excited for my next goal of 16 total pounds lost, because it has special meaning. I am focusing on how much I have lost, and NOT how far I have to go...must think positive!
I had my free consultation with a personal trainer last night, and that went well. He showed me a 30-40 minute routine I can do without weights. So that way, if I can't make it to the gym, I have something very effective that I can do at home, or anywhere. That was nice. He also let me know my exact target heartrate range for my age. I know where I need to keep my heartrate to concentrate on fat burn or cardio. (focusing on fat burn!) So, now it's up to me. Personal training is not in the budget! Hehe Although, he did say that if I got stuck in a month or wanted a new routine, I could pay for just one session and I bet that would really be helpful. So, I had a great week, I'm really enjoying the gym, as I knew I would...I've always loved gyms....and I'm looking forward to another great week!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Move It Monday
Friday, May 21, 2010
Project Organized Home~Flower Bed
Have you done anything this week to make your place a more clean, organized or happy home?
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Thankful Thursday

Head over to Women Taking A Stand for more Thankful Thursday Posts!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Weight Loss Wednesday

I got a phone call Monday letting me know that I won a free one month membership to Anytime Fitness, so I'm excited about that! I just hope we can somehow afford to renew it after the month is over. I don't know how much I'll be able to do right away because of my back, but I can walk on the treadmills, ride the bikes, and do lots of strength training exercises that don't call on my lower back muscles! So, I'm really, really, excited about it. I'm working on a schedule that won't interfere with my job here as a mommy, teacher, wife & homemaker. I don't want my family to suffer for my wanting to be at the gym. I am really looking forward to it though. The last time I had a gym membership here in town, I lost 31 pounds and was still losing when I had to cancel the membership due to finances. So, I hope to have better news to report next week!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Simple Woman's Daybook~5/17/10

On my mind~ a dear friend of mine who just lost her mother. Unimaginable. If you get the chance, say a prayer for her...her name is Gina.
From the learning rooms~ we are taking a break this week, so we can finish moving all the kid's rooms around. So, that will delay our finish for the year, but I'm okay with that. After our break this week, we will have only two weeks left!
I am currently reading~ Finishing up Created to be His Helpmeet.
From the kitchen~ something with chicken today I think. If I had thought to thaw it out last night, I would have stuck some in the crockpot this morning with rice. But, it will probably be BBQ chicken in the skillet tonight. One of my favorites!
I am wearing~ my favorite jammies. They are a capri pant and tank top set...black with little white polka dots. They could almost pass as daytime clothes, but not quite!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Move It Monday
Friday, May 14, 2010
Project Organized Home

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Weight Loss Wednesday

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Simple Woman's Daybook~May 11th Edition

For Today....May 11, 2010
Outside my window~ the grass needs cut, but hubby is a busy man right now. If I wasn't allergic, I would gladly do it for him. My unknown tree in the middle of the front yard is blooming now, and it's just beautiful. One day I hope to find out what kind of tree it is!
I am thinking~ about how in the world I'm going to lose this weight when my back won't allow me to exercise. I'm just going to have to be really, really careful about what I eat, and walk every chance I get!
I am thankful for~God's patience with me. If He had my patience, He would of given up on me decades ago. I feel like I have learned so much, but know that I've only barely begun to tap into the knowledge and Wisdom He has to offer me. I have an entire lifetime of learning to go still! I'm also thankful for the wonderful Authors He has placed out there, and the wisdom He has given to them to share with me and others. I have grown so much through their books, with the Holy Spirits help. I'm oh so thankful!
I am wearing~a light pink tank top and black capri sweatpants. After I finish this, and read my bible, I will get dressed for the day.
I am going~to possibly have to make a trip to Walmart. I don't like going there, and I try to wait until church days, so I don't waste gas and can do it all in one trip, but that may not work this time.
I am currently reading~Created to be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl. I think this is the BEST book I have ever read. To be honest, I don't want to be finished with it. That's why I am pacing myself. It has helped me beyond words, and I want to still read more every day. In fact, I may come back and reread it a little bit at a time for years, just to keep it fresh in my mind. I have found my life's purpose in this book!
I am hoping~to go to Kansas and Colorado in August. We are really praying, and really trying to go. How wonderful it would be to see both our families in one big trip! Mike's mom is not well AT ALL and he is going to go see her whether we can all go or not. I'm really hoping it will be all of us! On my side of the family, this may be the last time that the whole extended family can be there together. They are having an 80th birthday party for my Grandma and they want all the kids, grandkids and great-grandkids to be there. I pray the Lord would allow us to be there. Some of you remember that they tried to do it at Christmas, and I was the only one not there... it broke my heart.
On my mind~ My 6 year old son has not been helped by his recent trip to the allergy specialist. He changed his meds, and it did him no good at all. He still coughs all day long and his eyes were so irritated that he got allergy conjunctivitis in both his eyes. Thankfully it went away in just a couple days without medicine, but still. My heart aches for him. I can't stand not being able to make him better. I am praying that the Lord would show us what to do. A different specialist, or wisdom for his current one, to do and find the right help for my dear, sweet son.
Noticing that~it takes me a LONG TIME to do this post every week. I hope I can keep it up.
From the learning rooms~3 weeks to go! It's not that I want to be done, I'm just excited for next years curriculum! I'm sure that when they're all older, I'll be happy and exceedingly ready for summer break. But as for now, I love teaching and don't want a break! Plus, my boys get in trouble when they don't have something constructive to do! Good thing I have reading planned for the summer!
From the kitchen~Nothing exciting. Our budget is so tight as we try to save for the trip, I'm not really getting creative in the kitchen. Simple filling meals, is what we're after!
Around the house~Lots to do. I have to finish my list from yesterday. I had several interruptions in the day yesterday, and I just sat and enjoyed hubby last night. So, I'll be working on that list today! The kids are currently cleaning the dining and living room. Well, except Miss. Piggy. I hear her in the bathroom, probably soaking her hair in the sink!
From my picture journal~
Monday, May 10, 2010
Move It Monday
Friday, May 7, 2010
Project Organized Home-I WENT CRAZY!

And a whole bunch of these...?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I AM Wednesday
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Simple Woman's Daybook~May 4th Edition

Monday, May 3, 2010
Move It Monday!
I'm the worst at getting it clean, and then leaving it. I need to start disciplining myself to put it all away right after I pull it out of the dryer! Lastly, I will have a nice evening with the family, and do my bible reading and book reading just before bed. This is the best time for me to do it, because I am a night person, and will fall back asleep if I do it first thing in the morning, and I have to read undisturbed, or I get disturbed! So, after the kids are all in bed, I curl up with God's Word, and get what I need from Him to do the day all over again! Happy Monday everyone!