Weekly Quote
~ Barbara Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Woman
Weekly Memory Verse
through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.." 2 Peter 1:3
Monday, October 25, 2010
Move It Monday

Job Loss

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Health-Wise Wednesday
Well, that brings me to my second point. I got to see a doctor last night! Whoo hoo! It was so nice. I was excited and nervous all at the same time. 3 years is such a long time to go without entering a doctors office. It's hard to get too much out of just one visit, but he does think it's Fibromyalgia. So much so, that he's put me on a fibromyalgia medication. He's also asked for several lab tests to be done, to check for other things. Arthritis, Thyroid, Epstin Barr Viral, and two others. Please pray with me that the Hospital will work with me on payment for these tests. I can't go back to the doctor, until I have these done. I'm so thankful for what God has done for me already, and last night was truly a miracle orchestrated by God. I was able to get treatment, and God used me to witness to several of the staff members and they said they were really touched by my testimony. I just cried. It was so emotional, that God would use little, unworthy me to speak to His other children. I pray that I will continue to be faithful to Him, and walk with the Spirit; so that I may be used by Him again!
My goal for this week, is to eat wonderful, healthy foods, and exercise when I can. This medicine is a lot for by body to get used to. It put me out shortly after I took it last night. I got hot flashes, and nausea, so I'm hoping this morning will go a little better, and will keep getting better each time. I'm told it will take 2 months to get it's full effects, so that will give time to see what benefit it will do for me before the lab results come in, and I see the doctor again. Oh, he's also put me on 800mg of ibuprofen twice a day, so that's quite something for my body to handle, when I don't even take Tylenol for pain or headaches most of the time. I'm just not one for taking medicine. I always tough it out. He said it's time for me to stop toughing it out, and do something to make my life better! :-) I'll give it a shot!

Monday, October 11, 2010
Move It Monday

Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Weight Loss/Health-Wise Wednesday
The good news...I am now going to be able to see a doctor for the first time in 3 years! Praise the Lord! God is so good! I am so thankful for this opportunity. I am praying that I will finally get a diagnosis and a plan for moving forward! So, depending upon what the diagnosis is, some medicines I may have to take will actually cause increased appetite and/or weight gain. So, I don't want to focus on what I weigh. I still want to lose weight, but I want to do it by focusing on health...eating good foods and exercising, not on weight alone. My dear friend Arlene has been posting on Wednesdays for quite some time, and she calls her posts, Health-Wise Wednesdays. I think that's great, and I think that's what I'm going to do. I'm also going to switch gears a little and focus more on being healthy and all that it involves, rather than just on losing weight.
Part of my health issues is extreme fatigue at night. It makes it very hard to cook good dinners some nights. Another friend of mine, Ann, gave me a recipe for the crockpot yesterday. I already had everything on hand, and it turned out great! I even threw the chicken in the pot frozen, and it was still done on time! I used:
1 1/2 lbs of boneless, skinless chicken breast,
2 lbs boneless, skinless chicken variety (dark and light meat)
3/4 jar of barbecue sauce (I think she said the ideal is 1 1/2 cups)
1/4 cup honey
2 tsp mustard (I just squirted in some honey mustard..quite a bit for some spice)
tsp Worcestershire sauce
I cooked it on low for 7 hours and they were more than done! I could of stopped it sooner had I been home, but the chicken was still tender and juicy! If you leave the skin on, I think your supposed to broil it first, but I don't ever leave the skin on, skin is unhealthy. I poured a little bit of water in it too, since I didn't have enough barbecue sauce. It was sooo good! Normally, I would wake cornbread with it, but since I was so late getting home, we just heated up some frozen rolls in the microwave. We will definitely have this one again! Thanks Ann!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Simple Woman's Daybook~10/5/10

For Today~ October 5th, 2010
Outside my window~it's cool! It's finally cool outside. I'm so happy. I had to grab my sweater to sit on the porch with my coffee and bible. I love that....I've missed that throughout this long, hot summer!
On my mind~ my appointment with the Mercy Clinic administration today. I'm praying, really praying that we will meet their income guidelines. I am more than ready to see a doctor for the first official time in over 3 years. I want this diagnosis, but may the Lord's will be done!
I am wearing~ my favorite pj's that pass off for clothes. Black with tiny white polka dots. The top has a wide strip of white lace at the bottom, and the straps are white lace with black ribbon strung through them. So cute!
I am going~ to the clinic late this afternoon. I'm also picking up the new Karate Kyd movie from Redbox. We're excited, we've been waiting a long time to rent it for $1! Sure beats theatre prices doesn't it?!
From the learning rooms~ we are doing great with the new curriculum! It's a controversial curriculum, but I think it's absolutely awesome and I feel like it was made just for us! It's a lot more work, but we are loving it, and finding ways to still get everything else done!
I am creating~ a spectacular creation for my friends baby shower, and I can't wait to show you pictures after the shower is over!
I am reading~ just my bible right now. I'm fixin to start reading Dave Ramsey's books though.
From the kitchen~ menu plans again. I need to make them to stay on budget with the groceries, and remember what's in the cabinets and deep freeze! Sometimes I buy stuff for meals, and forget it's there, so I buy more groceries when I don't need to.
Around the house~ cartoons, schoolwork, washer & dryer going. Typical day!
A few plans for the rest of the week~ cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, and organizing! I feel like it's a lifelong process that will never truly be complete. As long as we're headed in the right direction, I guess that's what counts. I really need to finish painting the hallway too. I stopped half way up the stairs because I don't know how I'm going to reach. We need to find a solution and finish! Hubby says I'm the Queen of half finished projects...sad but true. There is just so much going on and so much to do!
From my picture journal~
A glimpse of our day Saturday at the free "Faith Fest!" Our local Methodist Church does everything they can to make as much of it free to the public as possible. I'm so thankful for that! The kids had an absolute blast, and I needed the day away from the house, and all the responibilities and stress. These bounce houses were HUGE and it was so fun to watch the kids play all day!

Monday, October 4, 2010
Move It Monday
*Make a menu plan for the next few days
*Start a third load of laundry-DONE
*Clean all countertops and front of cabinets-DONE
*Make sure all clean laundry is put away!