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For Today~ November 16th, 2010
Outside my window~ The fall colors are at their peak! Because of the weird weather, we lost a lot of leaves before we reached this point, but what's left is just beautiful! It's kind of neat though, because it makes the ground just as colorful as the trees, with all those brightly colored leaves on the ground.
On my mind~ my hubby. Today is his first day of work on the new job. I pray he has a good one!
I am wearing~ you guessed it, pj's! The colder it gets outside, the harder it is to want to put daytime clothes on!
I am going~ hopefully no where today. We have a busy week this week, and today is the ONLY day that I don't have something scheduled. Definitely hoping to take advantage of that and stay home.
I am thankful for~ all the food we bought yesterday. The kids are so happy to have yogurt, cookies, fruit and cereal again! Thank you Lord!
I am hoping~ that the kids keep sleeping in this morning. It's been so nice having quiet time so far today! I love my little blessings, but with no hubby now to relieve me for a while, my nerves are on edge. :)
I am praying~ that God will find us a house in Kansas soon. I am also praying that we will find another wonderful piano teacher for my oldest son. She and I cried last night at his last practice. What a blessing that God gave us such a wonderful teacher for my son!
From the learning rooms~ we have un-enrolled my oldest from his online school, and I will have him continue with his Switched On Schoolhouse that he started at the beginning of the year. Mr. Pure at Heart is plugging away at his ACE paces.
From the kitchen~ I think hot dogs and beans for lunch, and I'm still debating about dinner. Probably going to let the kids vote!
Around the house~ more laundry, dishes, and packing, packing, packing!
A few plans for the rest of the week~ we have church tomorrow night, dress rehearsal on Thursday night, and then the actual Thanksgiving play in Friday night. I am really looking forward to that! Otherwise, we will guessed it...packing!
From my picture journal~
I do miss that a bit - the leaves changing color. Then I remember I don't have to rake them up LOL! I pray you have a good week of packing and purging, and that God works everything out so that you can get it all done in a timely manner. Whistle while you work, it really works!
ReplyDeleteI Know how stressful moves can be...I hope you do have some time to yourself during the days ahead.
ReplyDeleteLovely area you live in but there will be things to love in the new place too.
Have a blessed day,
Mama Bear